Monday, July 25, 2011

Float like a Feather Fly

Experiments performed Virgin Spaceship Two aircraft aka VSS Enterprise on May 4, 2011 and then a huge success. Virgin Galactic's suborbital vehicles, the commercial company which was founded billionaire Richard Bronson will be used to bring tourists to the limits of Earth's gravity.

One of the sophistication of these aircraft is the ability to fly like a feather. The method was designed by Burt Rutan is the largest integrated innovation on Spaceship Two. Position flying like feathers that can be achieved when the plane turned onto the tail of about 65 degrees. Position it produces a very stable aerodynamic shape while creating exceptional prisoners who could put the brakes on the plane as it entered Earth's atmosphere.

Even so, the airframe does not become too hot because it is made of extremely lightweight material. Additional thermal protection to minimize the heat caused by friction with the atmosphere can also be avoided.

Pilots can even keep his hands off the handle control of the aircraft when the aircraft is flying in the right position. Because, at that position the aircraft can fly with a very stable and pass through the atmosphere naturally by simply relying on an aerodynamic shape. This is a security feature which is very advantageous because the pilots did not have to maintain the aircraft position on a particular slope or must rely on computer systems.

In a video released by Virgin Galactic Spaceship Two aircraft seen being dropped from a plane towing WhiteKnightTwo at an altitude of 51,500 feet. Although visible light as a feather floating by, the plane slid down with a speed of 15,500 feet per minute. The resulting aerodynamic prisoners managed to reduce the speed of the aircraft with very significant.

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