An article published on Ynet Israeli media on Thursday (5 / 8) said that European countries never know what's hiding behind the training sessions held in their territory.
Hungary, Romania, Greece, Italy and Germany is one of the locations in which the Israeli Air Force has conducted military exercises so far.
"In general, the training sessions did not include joint exercises between the Israeli air force and the local Air Force, but the host country by providing the Israeli air forcetraining platform for two weeks or more," according to an article in Ynet.
Romania incident, which killed six Israeli soldiers and one Romanian officer in July,explaining the secret air operations conducted by the Israeli military in other countries.
Israeli media described the operation in July as part of the Israeli air force exerciseroutine, but the goal of training is not discussed.
The article concludes that Israeli helicopters were navigating through thousands of miles and routes that are unusual and refuel in the air, Tel Aviv is preparing to launch anothermilitary conflict in the near future. (