Susumu Takahashi, an assistant professor of the USC College of Letters Dornsife, Arts and Sciences, and colleagues used high-strength magnetic fields to suppressdekoherensi, which is one obstacle in quantum computing.
"High-strength magnetic field reduces the level of interference (noise) in the vicinity,which can suppress dekoherensi very efficient," said Takahashi. Dekoherensi beentouted as a "quantum bug" that undermine the basic property that became the mainstay of quantum computers.
Quantum computing uses quantum bits, or qubits, for encoding information in the form ofzero and one. Unlike a traditional computer that uses the traditional bits, quantumcomputers are almost impossible to implement the fact that the qubits can appear in many conditions simultaneously, which is called "superposition."
While a bit can only represent a zero or one, a qubit can represent zero and onesimultaneously because of the superposition. This allows simultaneous processing ofcalculations in parallel systems. Although the concept of computer computing support is no longer new, but things like dekoherensi impede the full implementation of quantumcomputing.
In this study, the scientists dekoherensi mengalkulasikan all sources such astemperature, magnetic field, and with the nuclear isotopic concentrations, and consider the optimal conditions for operating the qubits, can be suppressed dekoherensi about 1000 times.
"For the first time we can predict and control all the mechanisms dekoherensi in a verycomplex system - in this case the magnetic molecules very much," said Phil Stamp,Professor of Physics and Astronomy at USC and Director of Pacific Institute ofTheoretical Physics. (Source: Physorg)