Technologies that cost 1.6 million dollars utilizes wireless technology to collect traffic data from microwave sensors, video cameras, and electronic means to pay in 23intersections in 110 blocks in Midtown.
The data collected was used to identify places where traffic problems. From there theycan change the duration of traffic lights to fit the needs of the highway. If the dense traffic, the computer will suggest accretion duration of red lights, and officers only need to giveconsent by pressing the "OK".
The same data will also be used for making applications for mobile devices, like cell phones or computers so that road users access the information highway through thedevices they carry. "I do not want people to think that starting tomorrow there will be nomore jam," said Bloomberg. "But we can fix it. It takes time to fix the system."
Midtown is in desperate need of technological bottlenecks decomposers. Bloombergestimates that congestion occurs on Monday resulting in economic losses amounting to13 billion dollars in the city.
City transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan revealed that New York is the first city to use this technology to break the bottleneck. The trials will be conducted within sixmonths using GPS data collected from the cab. The data used to calculate the travel time to various destinations. (Source: The New York Times).